Welcome to the BC Low-Carbon Material Sourcing Guide. This guide is updated regularly with the latest materials which meet low carbon criteria.

Updated Feb 26, 2025

Why This Guide?

This guide curates low-carbon materials with EPD’s (Environmental Product Declarations), available in British Columbia. By pulling out the embodied carbon value (measured in GWP, Global Warming Potential) of these exemplary products, users can quickly gage how other products perform against the lowest-carbon product available in BC, as well as against the baseline.

Embodied carbon is the carbon emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a product, building or infrastructure. Embodied carbon of the construction sector is responsible for a significant amount of emissions, over 8% of Canada’s total GHG emissions.

> GHG Emissions in Canada’s Construction Sector, University of Toronto, 2024

In order to meet our climate goals, the construction industry needs to transition to low embodied carbon design quickly. The City of Vancouver, is aiming to reduce all emissions by 40% by 2030 and to get to carbon negative by 2050.


There are 3 types of strategies to design for low embodied carbon. They are ordered (below) in terms of how early in design they should be implemented, but also the magnitude of savings they tend to achieve. This guide focuses on the third option, material consideration. See City of Nelson’s document here for more information on all types of strategies.

About This Guide

The global warming potential listed within this guide are reported directly from the EC3 database which is a publicly available, free-to-use tool developed and maintained by Building Transparency.

All materials within this guide have a verified EPD within the EC3 database. EC3 is one of the most expansive, publicly accessible EPD databases.

Manufactures can submit their EPDs directly to EC3, and have the opportunity to report the country of origin as well as locations that the product is available to purchase. 

All materials listed in the tables below are available for purchase within BC. In this first iteration of the guide, two material categories were identified as having the biggest impact on the overall embodied carbon of a building [1]. These are:

  • Insulation (typically ~20% embodied carbon of a home)
  • Concrete (typically ~35% embodied carbon of a home)

Note: Typical values listed here are as found in the City of Nelson Material Carbon Emissions Guide and consider A1-A3 (cradle to gate) only. Only materials with a verified EPD are included in this guide except for those included in the novel materials table.


Insulation is unique in that there is a wide variety of insulation products on the market, designed to accommodate different applications (underground, wall, roof) and a variety of product formats (board, blown, batt, etc). It is not helpful to suggest only the lowest carbon insulation products, knowing that blown insulation is not a suitable alternative for projects that have been designed to accommodate board insulation. Unlike other materials, where increasing material efficiency, and reducing material volumes is a key strategy to reduce overall embodied carbon, using less insulation will often result in an increase in operational emissions. Consequently, choice of insulation has a significant impact on total carbon.

Loose Fill Insulation

[kgCO2e/m2 @RSI1]
ManufacturerProductLocation SupplierEPD
-1.16SopremaCellulose Thermal Insulation - Including Biogenic CarbonProvince WideView SupplierView EPD
0.18Applegate-GreenfiberSANCTUARY® by Greenfiber® Blow-In or Spray-Applied Insulation (Salt Lake City production facility)Lower Mainland, InteriorView SupplierView EPD
0.29SopremaCellulose Thermal Insulation - Excluding Biogenic CarbonProvince WideView SupplierView EPD
0.49CIMA Industry AverageBaseline Cellulose Loose-FillNorth AmericaView SourceView EPD
0.55Johns ManvilleFiberglass loose fill - Climate Pro, Attic Protector, JM Spider PLUS North AmericaView SupplierView EPD
0.87Owens CorningUnbonded Loosefill - Atticat, PropinkLower Mainland, Interior
Province Wide
Vancouver Island
View LM, Int.
View Prov.
View Van. Is.
View EPD
0.99NAIMA Industry AverageBaseline Fiberglass Loose-FillNorth AmericaView SourceView EPD
1.12CIMA Industry AverageBaseline Cellulose Dense Pack (56 kg/m3 )North AmericaView SourceView EPD
1.89NAIMA Industry AverageBaseline Mineral Wool Loose-Fill North AmericaView SourceView EPD

Batt Insulation

[kgCO2e/m2 @RSI1]
ManufacturerProductLocation SupplierEPD
0.66Owens CorningPINK Next Gen Fiberglas (Unfaced)North AmericaView SupplierView EPD
0.88Owens Corning Thermafiber Mineral Wool Insulation, SAFB 2.5 pcf (Joplin), UnfacedAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
1.01NAIMA Industry AverageFiberglass Batt (Unfaced)North AmericaView SourceView EPD
1.04Certain TeedCanada Sustainable Metal Building Insulation, R-10North AmericaView SupplierView EPD
1.12CIMA Industry AverageBaseline Cellulose Dense Pack (56 kg/m3 )North AmericaView SourceView EPD
1.18ROCKWOOL International A/S (Rockwool North America)Rockwool Stone Wool Thermal Insulation for BuildingsAvailable in BCView Supplierview EPD
2.86NAIMA Industry AverageBaseline Mineral Wool Light Density Board North AmericaView SourceView EPD

Board Insulation

kgCO2e/m2 @RSI1
1.47BASF Neopor / Beaver PlasticsChrome (Neopor F5200 Plus GPS Type I)Available in BCView SupplierView EPD
1.50Owens CorningVersaBoard 35 - Joplin plantAvailable in BCView Supplierview EPD
1.95SopremaSopra-XPSAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
2.20CLF 2023 Material Baselines ReportBaseline Polyiso - roof - GRF facerNorth AmericaView SourceView EPD
2.54EPS Industry AlianceIndustry Average - Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) - Type 1North AmericaView SourceView EPD
3.04CLF 2023 Material Baselines ReportBaseline Polyiso - roof - CFG facerNorth AmericaView SourceView EPD
4.00RockwoolCOMFORTBOARD 80Available in BCView SupplierView EPD
4.19CLF 2023 Material Baselines ReportBaseline Polyiso - WallNorth AmericaView SourceView EPD
6.70CLF 2023 Material Baselines ReportBaseline Extruded Polysterene (XPS) - reduced-HFC blowing agentNorth AmericaView SourceView EPD
6.82NAIMA Industry AverageBaseline Heavy Density Mineral Wool BoardNorth AmericaView SourceView EPD

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Ready Mix Concrete

With concrete, design decisions have more impact than lowering the GWP (Global Warming Potential) of the mixes due to concrete consistently being the most embodied carbon intensive material of a building. Control over GWP numbers is limited due to location, structural requirements, availability, and time. The most effective decisions for the least cost are listed below, but for more detailed information see Concrete: A Pragmatic Approach to Lowering Embodied Carbon and Specifying Low-carbon Concrete Guide.

Low-cost decisions to minimize embodied carbon of concrete:

  • Keep existing concrete structures, including slabs.
  • Minimize volume
    - Limit transfer slabs by optimizing the structure
    - Have less parking
    - Increase usable space (depending on the building typology: minimize corridors, maximize bedrooms, maximize desk space, design flexible, multi-use spaces)
    - Replace with other materials where possible (concrete typically has the highest embodied carbon content compared to any other material in a building)
  • Ask for an EPD (and if not available, a spec sheet).
  • Increase SCM (Supplementary Cementitious Material) where possible (particularly where finish is not important). Look to BC Concrete Industry EPD to understand what savings at can be achieved.
  • Use Portland-limestone Cement (GUL) instead of Portland Cement (GU). GUL is considered default in lower British Colombia but availability may be more difficult in other areas of BC.
  • Have a longer "days to strength". 28 days is standard practice, but 56 or 91 day strengths may be possible depending on application.

The below table lists ready-mixed concrete suppliers and associated publicly available EPDs of their lowest carbon mixes available in BC as of July 2024. EPD's for concrete must be reviewed for structural, thermal, and exposure properties for comparability. Contact a supplier to discuss availability.

SupplierLocations w EPDsGWP @ 25 MPa [kgCO2e/m3]GWP @ 30 MPa [kgCO2e/m3]GWP @ 35 MPa [kgCO2e/m3]Supplier Link
Concrete BC, Industry Baseline, Not Air EntrainedBC220 at 28 days259 at 28 days294 at 28 daysView Source
Concrete BC, Industry Baseline, Air EntrainedBC231 at 28 days270 at 28 days311 at 28 days View Source
109 at 28 days132 at 28 days145 at 28 daysView Supplier
Kent Avenue
Maple Ridge
North Vancouver
Port Mann
Vancouver Harbour
111 at 56 days123 at 56 days132 at 56 daysView Supplier
HeidelbergGranville Island
Mitchell Island
North Vancouver
90 at 91 days 148 at 91 days138 at 91 daysView Supplier
BurncoBC166 at 56 days184 at 56 days 201 at 56 daysView Supplier

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Reinforcing Bar (Rebar)

Rebar in British Columbia frequently comes from international sources. Consequently, using the North American industry average Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) might not accurately reflect the typical embodied carbon of rebar in BC. Tracking the embodied carbon of rebar can be challenging unless it comes from a low-carbon manufacturer or mill with a specific EPD. The table below lists known low-carbon rebar products available in BC.

0.44Cascade Steel Rolling MillsReinforcing bar - Standard A615/706Oragon, USView SupplierView EPD
0.53Nucore SteelFabricated Merchant Bar - Steel Reinforcing BarSeattle, USView SupplierView EPD
0.77GerdauReinforcing barOntario, CAView SupplierView EPD
0.85CRSI Industry AverageFabricated Steel Reinforcement (rebar)North AmericaView SupplierView EPD
2.34MateenbarFibreglass rebar (*very lightweight kg/m)North Carolina, USView SupplierView EPD

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-7.43MOSO InternationalMOSO Bamboo X-treme® SidingAvailable in BChttps://www.moso-bamboo.ca/contact-usView EPD
2.78Louisiana Pacific (LP)SmartSide Lap SidingProvince WideView SupplierView EPD
3.0LunawoodHeat Treated Wood Cladding / Lunawood / Planed Thermowood D / 20 mm [EU]Available in BCView SupplierView EPD
4.19Fiberon CompositesWildwood Cladding-6"Available in BCView SupplierView EPD
5AbodoHeat Treated Wood Cladding / Abodo / Vulcan - Thermally Modified Timber, Surfaced / 20 mm [NZ]Available in BCView SupplierView EPD
6.15Trespa International B.V.Trespa® Meteon® Standard 6 mmAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
7.63James HardieHardie Plank HZ5 / Hardie Panel HZ5 / Hardie Architectural Panel HZ5Province WideView SupplierView EPD
8.5Trespa International B.V.Trespa® Meteon® Standard 8 mmAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
10.3Trespa International B.V.Trespa® Meteon® Standard 10 mmAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
10.6Trespa International B.V.Trespa® Meteon® Fire Retardant 6 mmAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
12.0InterstateThin Faced BrickVancouver, BCView SupplierView EPD
13.3Trespa International B.V.Trespa® Meteon® Standard 13 mmAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
14.7Trespa International B.V.Trespa® Meteon® Fire Retardant 8 mmAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
15Fiberon CompositesComposite cladding / Fiberon / Wildwood Cladding / 3/4"-1x6Available in BCView SupplierView EPD
15.3CLF 2023 Material Baselines ReportSteel Roll Formed Cladding PanelsNorth AmericaView SupplierView EPD
17.7Trespa International B.V.Trespa® Meteon® Fire Retardant 10 mmAvailable in BCView SupplierView EPD
18.6CLF 2023 Material Baselines ReportAluminum Roll Formed Cladding PanelsNorth AmericaView SupplierView EPD

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Novel Materials

This section highlights innovative, low-carbon alternatives to traditional construction materials, with a focus on bio-based products. These novel solutions offer exciting possibilities for reducing embodied carbon in buildings.Bio-based materials from fast-growing plants are particularly promising. As they grow, these plants capture CO2 through photosynthesis. When used in construction, they store this carbon for decades, effectively delaying its release and buying crucial time in our climate change mitigation efforts.Many of these materials are still in development or early market stages. Where product-specific Type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) aren't available, we use proxy EPDs to illustrate their potential.

Below, you'll find a list of promising low-carbon novel materials currently available in BC.

GWP [kgCO2e/ Unit]UnitProductNotable Product LinksSource
-31.3m2 @RSI1Compressed Straw Board - Durra Panel - 50 mm [EU]View international shippedView EPD
-13.1m2 @RSI1Wood fiber board NAFA industry average View EPD
-6.7m2 @RSI1Wood fiber Board - GUTEX - Multi-Therm [EU]View international shippedView EPD
-6.1m2 @RSI1Wood fiber Board - PAVATEX - Pavatherm [EU]View international shippedView EPD
-5m2 @RSI1Straw ViewUS industry average data
-4.3m2 @RSI1Cork Board InsulationViewManufacturer
-3m2 @RSI1HempcreteViewUS industry average data
-0.1m2 @RSI1Hemp fibreView Hemp-works.ca
View Terrafibre.ca
View Naturefibres.com
View Natural Fibres EPD
1m2 @RSI1Sheep's Wool ViewBEAM

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Key Definitions

Embodied carbon: also referred to as material carbon emissions. This is the upfront carbon associated with constructing a building. In this report, emissions stated are from life-cycle phases A1A3, the material production emissions only. Other life-cycle analysis software often includes phases A1-A5. The additional phases are related to transportation to the construction site as well as the emissions created during construction of the building.

Materials: in this report the word materials is used to mean the individual components that go into building a home, whether that’s an actual material, like wood or steel, or a component like a cladding panel that is made up of a group of materials.

Further Reading

Carbon Leadership Forum
Carbon Smart Materials Palette
Building Transparency


[1] Magwood, C. and Trottier, M. Nelson Material Carbon Emissions Guide. Builders for Climate Action (2022). https://www.buildersforclimateaction.org/our-work.html

[2] Magwood, C. and Trottier, M. Material Emissions Benchmark Report for Part 9 Homes in Vancouver. Builders for Climate Action (2022). https://www.buildersforclimateaction.org/our-work.html

[3] Lewis, M., Huang, M., Carlisle, S., Simonen, K., AIA-CLF EMBODIED CARBON TOOLKIT FOR ARCHITECTS PT2. Measuring embodied carbon,

[4] King, B., Magwood, C., Build Beyond Zero (2022)

[5] https://www.buildersforclimateaction.org/beam-estimator.html