The BC Embodied Carbon Awards are a first of its kind in North America and take place in spring each year. Here are the highlights of our 2024 award event.

  • 3 BC Embodied Carbon Awards 2023 winners grouped together holding up plaque.
  • BC Embodied Carbon Awards audience member
  • BC Embodied Carbon Awards presenter giving speech in front of audience in room

The 2024 Awards

The second BC Embodied Carbon Awards took place on Apr 18, 2024.

In spring 2024, members of British Columbia’s zero-carbon buildings community came together to recognize six individuals, projects, and organizations for their leadership on reducing embodied carbon pollution in the province.

Embodied carbon emissions are those produced during the production and transportation of building materials such as steel, concrete, insulation, and glass, during construction, and those produced when a building is taken apart or demolished at the end of its life.

The Zero Emissions Innovation Centre (ZEIC), through its Carbon Leadership Forum British Columbia (CLF British Columbia) program, hosted the second annual BC Embodied Carbon Awards in downtown Vancouver on April 18, 2024. The awards, the first of their kind in North America, aim to showcase and celebrate leadership and inspire others to reduce embodied carbon in their projects.

2024 Award Winners

Organizational Commitment to Change Winner: ZGF Architects

About the 2024 winner
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Public Sector Leadership Winner: UBC

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Strengthening the Practice Winner: Anthony Pak, Priopta

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Photo: Anthony Pak, Priopta. 

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Large (Part 3) Buildings: Winner: North Island College Student Housing, HDR Architecture

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Small (Part 9) Buildings Winner: Phoenix House, Carbon Wise

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Commitment to Circularity Winner: Renewal Development

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CLF BC wishes to thank all of those organizations who submitted applications for the 2024 awards.

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